luck, adjective 1. having or marked by good luck; fortunate: That was my lucky day.
2. happening fortunately: a lucky accident. 3. bringing or foretelling good luck, or supposed to do so: a lucky penny.TWE12VE monthly event by Evil Bunny Productions is new items and focused on a one-word theme. This month’s March theme is Lucky. Sponsored by: PINK ICE DESIRE EARTHWORX LX ESSENTIALS
Social Media: FLICKR SL Landmark FACEBOOK

EXCLUSIVE: AdoreZ – Simonne Outfit
• Mesh Body Compatible
• Jacket, Dress, Booties, Necklace (not shown)
HAIR BY Sintiklia – Bella in Fades
BODY by Maitreya
SKIN by Glam Affair Cate ( LeLutka Applier ) in Jamaica @ Skin Fair 2017
LeLutka Bento Head in SIMONE
Model & Photographer: ©Petra L Alexander-Valerian™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#EvilBunnyProductions #LeLutka #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #AdoreZ #virtualfashion #Exclusives #MonthlyEvent #GlamAffair #AmitiéPoses #Lucky #PetraLAlexanderValerian #Sintiklia #SkinFair2017 #SecondLife #Twe12ve #BentoHead #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #SecondLifeBlogger #Themed