STYLING [AMARELO MANGA] – Indira dress. This MESH long dress comes in 5 colors.
HAIR by *ARGRACE* Akane – Classy Browns EARRINGS and NECKLACE by Chop Zuey – Heart & Soul Texture Change Set from Twelve Days of Christmas Gifts 2015 NOSE RING by MONS – MESH Nose Jems, style 3 in Silver MAKEUP by *VoguE* CNY Makeup 1 no lipstick (no longer available) LIPSTICK by Madrid Solo Mix & Match- Dot B Lips in Red LASHES by Oceane – Modest Mesh Lashes – Upper BODY by Maitreya Laura v3.4 Hands by Slink in Flat and Elegant 1 SKIN by DeeTaleZ Jarla v2 w/ Eyeliner POSE by *ARGRACE* w/ Akane hair
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Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER