“From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on”
~ From This Moment On, Shania Twain
Finally our doors are open, so prepare to feast your eyes on a selection of stunning fashion, hair and poses at InspirationSL. The theme for March is Shania Twain, and there’s something for everyone with glamour, casual fashion, gorgeous poses and accessories.
Don’t forget our fantastic giveaway: every 100th shopper to land at InspirationSL will receive a gift pack of 3 items that are on sale that round! In true country style, we’ve prepared the fastest stallion in town to escort you to our doors InspirationSL.

STYLING 1. ArisAris Gara30 Nature Inspiration dress for Maitreya @ InspirationSL This linen cool dress is made for standard sizes and some MESH bodies. A texture changing HUD is also included.
HAIR by Analog Dog Kit in Light Browns BOOTS by FireBird Designs Hippie w/ feathers BEADS by Yummy Safari Wood LIPSTICK by alaskametro<3 Nadia in Divine BODY by Maitreya Lara v3.5 SKIN by DeeTalez POSE by Glitter @ Pose Fair 2016
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#alaskametro #InspirationSLEvent #100thshopper #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Yummy #Maitreya #Designers #giftpack #Country #casualfashion #Exclusives #Fashion #Hair #PoseFair2016 #DeeTaleZ #Poses #FireBirdDesigns #ShaniaTwain #AnalogDogHair #Beauty #glamour #GLITTER #SecondLife #accessories #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger