ROCK YOUR RACK 2016 October 1 – October 16, 2016
This year’s event will support the National Breast Cancer Foundation which provides free mammograms, education, support and early detection services to anyone in need.
The 2016 event involved 63 designers including Gold Sponsors: AlaFolie, Athena Couture, Dulce Secrets, Emerald Couture, Empyrean Forge, LaVian & Co, Phedora, Prism and Kultivate Magazine. In addition, this year’s event will feature 2D and 3D artists for the first time with an Art show sponsored by Kultivate Magazine. Add to that the 4 Tribute concerts, 12 DJ Dance Parties, 7 Live Music Artist Shows, 9 Fashion Shows, the 10L Hunt, Silent Auctions, Art Auction and you have one must-visit event.
Designers will be providing exclusive creations with 100% of the sales of those items going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation along with a fine selection of the newest and most popular designs donating a percentage as well.
For a complete listing of events and more details on this year’s event, please visit the website:

STYLING for ROCK YOUR RACK 1. EXCLUSIVE – KL Couture – Heda for Maitreya in Salmon Made for Fitmesh Classic Avatar and Maitreya bodies. Heda is a top and skirt ensemble with crystals.
2. EXCLUSIVE – Poses with Attitude
5 Custom Poses
HAIRBASE by [KoKoLoReS] for Catwa BODY by Maitreya Laura v3.5 HEAD by Catwa SKIN by DeeTaleZ
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#SilentAuctions #ArtAuction #Maitreya #PrismandKultivateMagazine #Exclusives #AlaFolie #JameeSandalwood #KLCouture #RockYourRack #NationalBreastCancerFoundation #KoKoLoReSHair #BreastCancer #PoseswithAttitude #DeeTaleZ #AthenaCouture #10LHunt #EmpyreanForge #JanelleHail #Phedora #ModelsGivingBack #DulceSecrets #Catwa #EmeraldCouture #Charity #LavianampCo #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife