October 17, 2015 – October 24, 2015
.PENUMBRA. highly anticipated Autumn/Winter Fashion Week 2015 consists of over 50 designers from across the grid, showcasing more than 280 outfits in 16 spectacularly produced shows, this fashion week is poised to be the foremost and unparalleled fashion event of the year!
Trouble Dethly, CEO of PENUMBRA, states that, “Our previous fashion weeks, while absolutely extraordinary, focused only on bringing in new and aspiring designers, as well as established ones. This fashion week we have evolved, as illustrated by the variety of our very talented designers. From formal to fantasy, casual to avant grade, even child to adult, the idea that fashion is infinite is clearly reflected by how limitless .PENUMBRA A/W FW15 will be.”
STYLING for .PENUMBRA. 1. EXCLUSIVE! October’s 4Seasons – J’adore in Blossom w/ makeup and w/ Maitreya applier. October’s 4Seasons has another EXCLUSIVE, J’dore in Pearl. (No additional makeup used on the face, only eyelashes. Everything is designer made and no photography touch-up programs used. Windlight is Firestorm.)
HAIR by D!va – Mia in Brown Diamond JEWELRY by Zuri Rayna – Serenity Fall in Espresso (ring only) BODY by Maitreya – Lara v3.4 LINGERIE by Zaara – Chanchal in Nude w/ Maitreya applier
EXTRAS La Galleria – TINY Scarecrow & Jackolanterns, designed by Riku Tadine
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s TWITTER