Yin / Yang Event brought to you by SCALA™ June 15 – June 30, 2017
Our event depicts from the word Yin which comes out to mean “shady side” and the word Yang which means “sunny side”.
A starting definition: Yin / Yang : Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition it is unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin / yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. This starts both halves chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.
We are inviting creators, designers, and builders to join Yin / Yang Event by SCALA™ in creating an incredible sales event. What is your vision of Yin / Yang and what would you create to shock and awe, or add to the ambiance?
SCALA™ Yin/Yang Monthly Event Application Link
#22769 #SCALAYINYANGEVENT #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #Moolto #KULA #LyricalBzarreTemplates #SLEvents #ExclusiveItems #Zibska #Ghee #ALMAMakeup #JUMO #TheStoresandCreatorsList #SCALA #TheSin #NEPHILIM #Baboom #BAXE #Artizana #PinUpTattooandStyle #CarasClosetandRoseyPosey #RAIGN #Exclusive #SLFashion #PREY #PoshPixels #Glitzz #SecondLife #VirtualFashionandItems #Prism #YouGotTheLook #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #SecondLifeBlogger #Womenstuff #BlackRose #PetraLAlexanderValerian #scalayinyangevent