The iNOVARE team is currently working on a special edition which will be a tribute to Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol. The magazine will be composed by two parts: – stylists pictures (models who will make themed outfits themselves) – designers pictures (showcasing the exclusives items created for this project worn by their models team)
Their aim is to bring together some of the finest designers to showcase new and exclusive outfits, jewelry or accessories inspired by Frida or Andy. Fashionart iNOVARE event SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonlight%20Delight/55/212/1921
STYLING: !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! – Leon’s MESH top, skirt, earrings, head piece, left and right add on, scarf and wearable scene {MUA} – MakeUp Set – Frida; Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara; booN – AAN330 hair; DeeTaleZ Makeup Brows THICK hair BROWN
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander©™ BLOG: https://thepetralalexander.wordpress.com BLOG: http://www.scala-sl.com FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/photos/114883456@N08