Art in Hats 2015 is now open! Now returning for it’s third year, Art in Hats 2015 is looking forward to a new year of hats, photography and art! Benefiting Team Diabetes of Second Life as our chosen charity this year, Art in Hats is on a mission to bring awareness of diabetes and help raise funds in the virtual environment.
You can find a list of creators for this event at this link
Check out our hat pin hunt where you can find free hats at this link
Your LM

Lyrical B!zarre Templates – DANETTE for Art in Hats 2015

Lyrical B!zarre Templates – CHLOE for Art in Hats 2015

Lyrical B!zarre Templates – ADELE for Art in Hats 2015
ALL STYLING for ARTS in HATS 2015 TOP by Rayne Couture – Woman in Black HAIRBASE by – [RA] tintable MAKEUP by Madrid Solo and Oceane SKIN by DeeTaleZ BODY by Maitreya – Lara v3.4 POSE by Apple Spice
!Lyrical B!zarre Templates! MAINSTORE !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! FACEBOOK !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! FLICKR
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s TWITTER