EVENT: The Fool (March 15 – April 1, 2015) SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Verdigris/110/174/25 WEB: https://sltarotevent.wordpress.com
“Create your own Tarot” is a series of Second Life events exploring one theme of the Major Arcana cards in each month featuring items from 22 creators for two weeks. Winners of 3000, 2000, 1000 lindens and various gift cards will be announced after the closing of each event. You can follow their webpage for more information about the photo contest and the event at: https://sltarotevent.wordpress.com/photo-contest/
STYLING: !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! – The Fool MESH dress, collar, leg warmers, hat and travellers bag; !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! – The Fool – Wearable Scene; !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! – The Fool – Makeup, Style 2; ZOZ – Natural Single Heart Red Tip nails for Maitreya mesh body; LANEVO – Hair base – No.05
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander©™ BLOG: https://thepetralalexander.wordpress.com BLOG: http://www.scala-sl.com FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/photos/114883456@N08