Carol of the Bells by Lindsey Stirling

The Frozen Fair 2017 ═════════════════════════ NOW thru December 23, 2017 The Frozen Fair Website The Frozen Fair LM
MESH Jade Padded Jacket for Maitreya by MOoH!
• MOoH! is Offering a Lovely Warm GIFT
• 6 Color Changing HUD included
• Fits most MESH bodies
EXCLUSIVE Cossack Hat by Blow-Up • Click on Hat and get Color Menu (9 Natural Colors) and Resize Menu
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The Peace on Earth Hunt is the longest running grid wide hunt in SL. Originally founded by Sequoia Nightfire. POE New Website POE New Facebook POE on Flickr
The hunt has begun! Wanna get hunting? Teleport to Peace on Earth’s landing point to get the latest hunt list from the kiosk, and enjoy some wintery photo fun with one of our rezzed hunt prizes: A Snowy photo studio!
POE 10 HUNT EXCLUSIVES 🌟 #004 Happy Holidays Bento Rings by Slipper Originals • Bento Rings Fitted for Maitreya and Slink Dynamic Hands • Made for Left and Right Hand HINT: Joy to the World! Teleport to Slipper Originals ends 12-31-17
Model & Photographer: ©Petra L Alexander-Valerian™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#LeLutka #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #POE10 #SpartinParxPoses #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #virtualfashion #Fashion #TheFrozenFair2017 #Holiday #PeaceonEarth10 #DeeTaleZ #PetraLAlexanderValerian #BlowUp #WitchCraftStore #PoSEsioN #SecondLife #TheFrozenFair #PeaceonEarthHunt #SlipperOriginals #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #SecondLifeBlogger #Bento