THE DARK SIDE EVENT An Evil Bunny Productions shopping event featuring over 80 of SL’s best designers. Which side are you… good or evil? Maybe a little of both? All designers will have an exclusive design available only at the event. Each designer will also have a $10L gift in their shop. A gacha fair will also be on-site for you to buy for yourself or gift/trade with others.

The Dark Side Event Dates: April 9th – April 30th The Dark Side Event Website The Dark Side Event LM The Dark Side Event Facebook The Dark Side Event Flickr
STYLING 1. MOoH! Julia dress in Black @ Dark Side MOoH! Julia dress in black has a high waist wide skirt and off shoulder wrap top. Available colors: Black, Blue, Cedar, Clay, Gray, River, Rose and Shell. Fits standard sizes, fitted mesh and some MESH bodies.
2. Delux Body Factory Mirabel skin in Latte @ Dark Side Deluxe Body Factory are on the good side and offers Mirabel skin, a classic avatar skin. The set includes Catwa, Logo, Omega, Slink Physique and Maitreya appliers. This special edition is only available at the event, make sure to grab it while it’s available! 3. Tantalum Captured Soul Women’s Necklace @ Dark Side Tantalum’s Captured Soul Women’s Necklace is also available for men. The captured soul’s face moves.
4. Dark Passions Koffin Nails in What’s Your Poison? for Slink hands @ Dark Side What’s Your Poison? comes w/ Maitreya, Slink and Omega appliers
5. Indigo – Bewitched Poses @ Dark Side
Indigo – Bewitched Poses available in six different poses.
HAIR by EMO-tions CHEVIA in Black
HANDS by Slink in Flat
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#EvilBunnyProductions #DBF #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Designers #Exclusives #Good #Fashion #Tantalum #Evil #DeluxeBodyFactory #DarkPassions #MOoH #DPKoffinNails #TheDarkSideEvent #Beauty #EMOtions #SLink #SecondLife #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #Gachas #PetraLAlexanderValerian #IndigoPoses #SecondLifeBlogger