THE DARK SIDE EVENT An Evil Bunny Productions shopping event featuring over 80 of SL’s best designers. Which side are you… good or evil? Maybe a little of both? All designers will have an exclusive design available only at the event. Each designer will also have a $10L gift in their shop. A gacha fair will also be on-site for you to buy for yourself or gift/trade with others.

The Dark Side Event Dates: April 9th – April 30th The Dark Side Event Website The Dark Side Event LM The Dark Side Event Facebook The Dark Side Event Flickr
STYLING 1. Pink Ice Nadia dress in Black w/ Maitreya applier and w/o skirt panel @ Dark Side This EXCLUSIVE dress can be worn with or without a skirt panel… depending on your mood. Fits standard sizes and some MESH bodies.
2. PinUp SIF Tattoo @ 60% for Maitreya @ Dark Side This EXCLUSIVE SIF tattoo has a 40, 60 or 80% option HUD. Includes Belleza, Maitreya and Omega appliers. 3. LIVIA Deep Crush Eyeshadow in Berry @ Dark Side Colors available: Berry, Brown, Chocolate, Crimson, Eggplant and Purple. Available for standard avatars and some MESH heads w/ appliers.
4. LIVIA Deep Crush Lipstick in Berry @ Dark Side Colors available: Berry, Brown, Chocolate, Crimson, Eggplant and Purple. Available for standard avatars and some MESH heads w/ appliers.
5. LIVIA Deep Wave Nail Appliers for Maitreya @ Dark Side Colors available: Berry, Brown, Chocolate, Crimson, Eggplant and Purple. For Slink, Omega and Maitreya nail appliers. Maitreya manicure included, pedicure in Black only.
6. Tameless Julieta hair in Fades @ Dark Side This EXCLUSIVE hair has Fades, Fantasy and Naturals HUD available. BODY by Maitreya Lara v3.5 SKIN by DeeTalez POSE by Pose It @ On9
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#PoseIt #EvilBunnyProductions #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #PinkIce #Designers #Exclusives #Good #Fashion #Tantalum #LIVIA #Evil #DarkPassions #Tameless #DeeTaleZ #TheDarkSideEvent #Beauty #SecondLife #PinUp #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #Gachas #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger