“Live by the sun, love by the moon.” ~Anonomyus

SCALA™ Yin / Yang Event LM July 15 – July 31, 2017 Theme: Moon/Sun SCALA™ Yin/Yang Monthly Event Application Link
EXCLUSIVE! PinUp Tattoo and Styling – Lillo Outfit in Black Lace for Maitreya
• Lillo Outfit comes with shoes
• fits most MESH bodies, try DEMO first
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EXCLUSIVE! MOoH! Dream moon White RARE
• A new round of TWE12VE is open July 12 – 30.
• MOoH! is offering a great gacha within the “dreams” theme consisting a lot of cute and dreamy decorations.
• Some have poses and some are just pretty to put out.
Twe12ve Teleport
Model & Photographer: ©Petra L Alexander-Valerian™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#EvilBunnyProductions #SCALAYINYANGEVENT #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SLEvents #ExclusiveItems #SLModel #TheStoresandCreatorsList #SCALA #Sun #Moon #PinUpTattooandStyle #Exclusive #SLFashion #SecondLife #VirtualFashionandItems #Twe12ve #redMint #MOoH #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #SecondLifeBlogger #Womenstuff #PetraLAlexanderValerian #scalayinyangevent