{“Forget about the rules. Forget about all those details for tonight. I want you. I’ve wanted you since you fell into my office, and I know you want me. You wouldn’t be sitting here calmly discussing punishment and hard limits if you didn’t. Please, Ana, spend the night with me.” He holds his hand out to me, his eyes are bright, fervent… excited, and I put my hand in his. He pulls me up and into his arms so I can feel the length of his body against mine, this swift action taking me by surprise. He runs his fingers round the nape of my neck, winds my ponytail around his wrist, and gently pulls so I’m forced to look up at him. He gazes down at me.} ~ Fifty Shades of Grey, Ch. 8

SWANK is a new monthly fashion event bringing together a select group of designers with EXCLUSIVE themed releases for 50 Shades of Red. SWANK Dates: February 7th – 29th SWANK Event LM SWANK Facebook SWANK Flickr
STYLING 1. RAPTURE™ – Exclusive evening ruched gown in Passion @ SWANK Do you prefer Love? Passion? Lust? These are the names of RAPTURE™ original mesh evening gown, which is the new release of this month’s Swank event.
2. {MUA} Lipstick – Jewels in Hepcat @ SWANK These exclusive lipsticks are made for some MESH heads and classic avatar lips. Available in nine seductive colors, fit the this months theme.
3. Dolce Secrets Siobhan – Fonio in Bare @ SWANK These exclusive skins are made for Omega, Slink appliers and classic avatar body. Available skin colors are Bare, Cherub, Kitten, LaLa, Lovie and Sweetie.
4. BluPrintz C.L. Heart @ SWANK Exclusive Mesh built paper notes in Heart, I Love You and Scattered Notes. Available in Red, Violet and Yellow colors.
HAIR BY Analog Dog Hair Olivia in Light Reds, Ginger EYELINERS by Clef de Peau in Jemma #2 LASHES by Oceane Modest Mesh, Upper Lashes only HANDS AND FEET BY Slink in Flat feet and Elegant hands POSE by PosESioN
KittyCatS Foxie – Salt & Pepper Mask, Quentin LISP Closed Grand Piano with sits in Noir La Galleria Red and Gold Mahal Rug MESH
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#50ShadesofRed #KIttyCatS #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Designers #BluPrintz #Exclusives #Fashion #ClefdePeau #Hair #DeeTaleZ #MUA #Lashes #Skin #AnalogDogHair #LISP #LaGalleria #Beauty #SLink #PoSEsioN #SecondLife #RAPTURE #Eyeliner #SWANK #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #DolceSecrets #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger #AvatarModel #Oceane