These sexy shoes will display at the Black Tie event, beginning February 1, 2016.
Black Tie event LM

STYLING RAYNE COUTURE – Cherish shoes in Black/Red for Slink High Feet. Cherish shoes are made for TMP, Slink and Bellezza MESH bodies or feet. Available colors: Black/Red, Black/White/Green, Blue, Brown, Pink and Red. Exclusively made for Black Tie event, beginning February 1, 2016.
HAIR by ARGRACE TSUMUGI – Classy Brown [B] BLINDFOLD by erratic Chris in black LEATHER JACKET by Azuchi Fallen in Red for Maitreya Lara LIPSTICK by Madrid Solo Valentine Designs – Brave Hearts BODY by Maitreya Laura v3.4 FEET by SLINK in High Feet SKIN by DeeTaleZ POSE by Amitié
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #blindfold #SecondLifeModel #leatherjacket #Meshbody #Fashion #Hair #ARGRACE #BlackTieEvent #AmitiéPoses #DeeTaleZ #Lipstick #Shoes #Skin #Exclusive #erratic #Beauty #SLink #SecondLife #RAYNECOUTURE #RAPTURE #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #NewRelease #MadridSolo #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger #AvatarModel