You can find a little of everything, furniture, skybox, mesh hair, poses, animations, mesh layers and clothing, among many other things with 50 or 30% discount. The designers are really fantastic, unique and best of all only here you will find the best price, it’s because our Garage Fair is a fair offering discounts and excellent prices.
In addition, each store has GACHA with amazing prizes and gifts. You should not miss our discount area where each store has left designs in lower prices to 99 lindens. This area is located at each corner of the sim.
The Garage Fair Dates: NOW – May 15th The Garage Fair LM The Garage Fair Website The Garage Fair Flicker

STYLING 1. Starr Fashion – Andrea for Maitreya MESH body @ The Garage Fair EXCLUSIVE Starr Fashion – Andrea – Leopard Skirt for Maitreya and Starr Fashion – Andrea – Leopard Top for Maitreya Andrea is made for Belleza, Maitreya and Slink Mesh bodies
2. JK Style – Kyra Ankle Boots in Animal @ The Garage Fair EXCLUSIVE JK Style Kyra Ankle Boots – Animal JK Style Kyra Ankle Boots – Black Leather JK Style Kyra Ankle Boots – Blue Denium All made for Slink HIGH feet
3. TUKINOWAGUMA Hedda Hair in Red Blacks HUD 2 @ The Garage Fair EXCLUSIVE TUKINOWAGUMA Hedda hair, stylish for any style. Available in Blondes HUDS 1-3, Browns HUDS 1-3, Colors HUDS 1-2, and Red Blacks HUDS 1-3
4. POSE by Culco – EDITORIAL FENCE w/ single poses @ The Garage Fair EXCLUSIVE CULCO – Editorial Fence w/ all single seven poses. Culco’s gacha for this event. It contains all single poses and it’s also available in copy version without poses at the event with two color options. LIPSTICK by Oceane Witchy Woo in Black BODY by Maitreya Lara v3.5 SKIN by DeeTaleZ FEET by Slink KittyCatS: (Argos) in Tonkinese – Champagne fur, (Pikachu) in Genesis – Mocha fur Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#Culco #Mesh #PetraLAlexander #StarrFashion #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #TheGarageFair #Fashion #Hair #DeeTaleZ #Furniture #JKStyle #Poses #TUKINOWAGUMAHair #SLink #SecondLife #KittyCatS #Animations #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #TheEventampHuntForeverPlanners #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger #AvatarModel #Oceane