Don’t miss the Truth or Dare Affair, brought to you by Evil Bunny Productions. Over 80 of SL’s best designers tease and please you with TRUTH (nice) and DARE (naughty) exclusive designs! Each designer also has a $10L gift for you! Open now through February 29, 2016

STYLING 1. EXCLUSIVE – SWAK Designs Destiny Top in White. This top is cutting edge style and has a DARE feel in the way its constructed. Can be worn alone or as a vest. Colors available: Blue, Pink and White.
2. EXCLUSIVE – SWAK Designs Destiny Pants in Denim. The pants is truly cutting edge style w/ a DARE to get your twerk on at the club. Or, just wear to look fashionable. Colors available: Black, Dark Denim and Denim. NOTE: The Destiny outfit comes with heels not shown.
3. EXCLUSIVE – ~PE~ Dare to Love me Cushy Chair in Buttercup
and Lamp in Iced Coffee
The cushy chair is definitively a DARE with animations for couples or singles. Made in MESH high-quality and a unique backing. A lamp is included with on / off lighting.
Colors available: Blue, Buttercup, Gray, Green, Iced Coffee and Rose.
HAIR by Exile Spice for female in Wild Fusion
EYELINER by Clef de Peau in Jemma #2
LASHES by Oceane Modest Mesh
HOOP EARRINGS by erratic in Gold (small)
BODY by Maitreya Lara v3.4
SKIN by DeeTalez
POSE by Amitiè
Shag Surya Chocolate Rug Mesh by La Galleria
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#EvilBunnyProductions #DARE #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #Naughty #Fashion #ClefdePeau #SWAKDesigns #PEPoliaksEmporium #AmitiéPoses #DeeTaleZ #Exile #TruthorDareAffairevent #Nice #LaGalleria #erratic #SecondLife #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger #AvatarModel #Oceane