Jersey Shore Event is HERE and brought to you by Evil Bunny Productions.
The theme of this event is a beach bling summer carnival. All things blingy, showy, over the top and summer themed. Come ride the rides, shop the stores, get your 10L gifts and maybe even a few group only specials! The gacha boardwalk games area awaits with tons of gacha shopping & rides!
Be sure to book your trip to the boardwalk this June!

Jersey Shore Event Dates: June 4th – June 25th Jersey Shore Event Website Jersey Shore LM Jersey Shore Facebook Jersey Shore Flickr
1. TrAsHeD – Sandstorm MESH outfit @ Jersey Shore
<T> Sandstorm Tunic for standard sizes and adaptable to MESH bodies.
<T> Sandstorm Shorts for standard sizes, Maitreya and Slink MESH bodies.
< T> Sandstorm BELT w/ resizer.
Six color HUD for tunic and shorts.
2. PINUP by Helena – Mithrill Tattoo for Maitreya @ Jersey Shore Available for Omega, Belleza and Maitreya appliers.
4. AppleTini – Popsicle Fairness Nails for Maitreya Applier @ Jersey Shore AppleTini has unique and stylish nail polish appliers for Slink, Omega, Belleza and Maitreya. Two styles available in Classic Chevron and French Tip looks. HAIR by Besom – Ruby Said in Galaxy w/ Color Changing HUD FLATS by Ariskea – Sirene for Maitreya in Kaki BODY by Maitreya Lara v3.5 SKIN by DeeTalez POSE by Amitiè poses @ On9
Model & Photographer: Petra L Alexander-Valerian©™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#TrAsHeD #EvilBunnyProductions #PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #PINUPbyHelena #Maitreya #Designers #Ariskea #Exclusives #Fashion #AmitiéPoses #DeeTaleZ #On9 #JerseyShoreEvent #Beauty #SecondLife #beachblingsummercarnival #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #Gachas #PetraLAlexanderValerian #SecondLifeBlogger #Besom