The Home and Garden Expo raises money for Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL). Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event, and RFL of SL is one of its virtual counterparts. The theme for this year is “Passport To Hope”, and you can be sure all participants have brought their own interpretation of the theme.
You can find more information about RFL of SL at
The event dates: May 19 – June 4, 2017 Theme: Passport to Hope

World of Wood Hope 2 LM • Country Office Desk, Chair & Laptop – Built entirely in MESH with baked textures. – Desk Texture changing MENU w/ options: Cherry, Birch, Antique, Oak, Mahogany, Dishes, White, Walnut, and Pine. – Animations MENU w/ 4 submenus: 1) Textures, 2) Cuddles Standing w/ 8 animations, 3) Cuddles Lie Down w/ 8 animations and, 4) Adult w/ 27 animations.
– Chair Texture Wood changing MENU w/ options: Cherry, Birch, Antique, Oak, Mahogany, Dishes, White, Walnut, and Pine; and 10 seat textures. – Animations MENU w/ 3 submenus: 1) Textures, 2) Female w/ 9 animations and, 3) Male w/ 9 animations.
– This is the MEDIA EDITION LAPTOP, and allows you to browse the internet, real time, within Second Life! – Texture Changing MENU w/ options: Black, Black2, Green, Green2, Pink, Red, Red2, Blue, and White.
• Country Office Picture w/ 72 textures. – Picture Texture Changing MENU w/ options: 1) ANIMALS – 9 textures, 2) FEMALE – 12 textures, 3) FAMILY – 9 textures, 4) CARS – 12 textures, 5) MALE – 12 textures and 6) LOVERS – 9 textures. – Picture Frame Texture Changing MENU w/ options: Cherry, Birch, Antique, Oak, Mahogany, Dishes, White, Walnut, and Pine.
• Office Dieffenbachia
• W.o.W. Carpet – 120 Texture changing MENU: 1) Classic – 28 textures, 2) Flowers – 12 textures, 3) Hunters – 14 textures, 4) Kids – 14 textures, 5) Love – 14 textures, 6) Modern – 38 textures
• WoW Bookcases – All bookcases, (linked or not) are modify and copyable. – Texture Changing MENU: Cherry, Birch, Antique, Oak, Mahogany, Dishes, White, Walnut, and Pine.
• WoW Little Locker – Built entirely in MESH with baked textures. – Texture changing MENU w/ options: Antique, Mahogany, Cherry, Birch, White, Pine and Oak.
Sahi Designs
Hope 1 LM
Rustic yet cozy, you’ll feel like you’ve entered a hunting lodge when you have this lovely living room set in your home. Not into the manly hunting items? There are alternatives you choose to replace them with included! Opt for the stylish Mesa Rug instead of the Deerskin Rug, a Wreath instead of the Gunrack or the Portrait of Deer frolicking in the woods over the Mounted Deer Head. This set truly has options that everyone can enjoy!
• Winchester Lodge Living Room – Chair
• Winchester Lodge Living Room – Side Table 2
Model & Photographer: ©Petra L Alexander-Valerian™ Petra’s BLOG Petra’s FLICKR Petra’s Pinterest Petra’s TWITTER
#PetraLAlexander #SecondLifeFashion #SecondLifeModel #Maitreya #PassporttoHope #LeLutkaBentoHead #HomeandGardenExpo #SLEvents #Exclusives #SahiDesigns #TruthHair #DeeTaleZ #PetraLAlexanderValerian #RelayForLifeofSecondLife #Gacha #WorldofWood #SecondLife #MOoH #AmericanCancerSociety #NEWExclusiveinSecondLife #SecondLifeBlogger #Bento